Being the kid who always did the bare minimum at P.E. and yoga classes during her schooldays, Jamie’s workout journey only began when she started a fast-paced, demanding job and recognized how fitness in the body translates to healthier stress management and wellbeing in mind. It wasn’t until when she first tried aerial yoga in 2019 and fell in love with the sport that she truly started to take her yoga workouts more consistently and seriously.
To further improve her grace and mobility for aerial practices, Jamie also took up contemporary in 2020 and had greatly helped with her progress on the hammock. She has achieved a contemporary dance introduction certification.
Starting out late and not naturally fit, Jamie understands the feeling of self-doubts and the frustrations of being limited by a weak core in aerial practices. She believes in pacing oneself and celebrating small wins as progressions come from consistent efforts and the occasional delightful surprise at eventually being able to do what was once a seemingly impossible sequence.
To have fun on the hammock, one requires to have proper body awareness and a good fitness foundation. Jamie hopes to share all she knows and create a safe space in her classes so students from any point of their fitness journey are able to achieve what they intend to when they first signed up for aerial and have a continuous enjoyable ride, just like Jamie is having.